Saturday, September 09, 2006
On the occasion of D. C. Roe's 2996 Project honoring the men and women of Patriot Day. September 11, 2006

Come, and say a name with me From a sky where reflection shone. A name from a life of family, America’s and your own. Come, we’ll say his name aloud To beckon the memory there Of the father proud of the family proud Of his work in the terraced air.
At the back of his mild and easy grin Live thoughts of his younger days. Of visits and kids in the northern twin, Wide eyed at the miles of gaze. His boy looks down with astonished mind; The powers of Dads are cool! His daughter, out to a future signed At her feet by the brilliant jewel.
Come, and listen for whistling sighs Of winds you can only see. Hear breath and voice in the columns rise; All hollow, if not for these. The deepest quietest voice he hears Speaks pride in an honored life; A murmuring constant across the years From the hearts of a man and wife.
Here is a Hero, for his is the dream Of a land renewing and young. To see it you live with a love agleam Where the hero's grace is sung. To memory beckon this grace unbowed; Reply to renewal's call. Come, we'll say his name aloud, The saying to save us all.
Jose's cousin, Ruben Esquilin Jr., also perished in the attack on the World Trade Center. You can read his tribute here.
posted by Stephen at 8:29 PM | Plink