Wednesday, February 12, 2003
There WILL be an answer...
I understand that today is a day for poetry against the war. OK. Anyone is entitled to be on the wrong side of history. The trick is to live through that.
Why We Fight
We've not been tamed since we began.
Across our years of strife we know
Has ever been two sides of Man
In conflict, handed histories show.
Our nature's law for now as then
Is guard to grow, and fight to win.
Man can think of any thing,
Will form it with directed hand;
From furrow plough to benzene ring
And forward far to Earth-lit sand.
From brain and arm and heart within
Flows all made good that's ever been.
Another Man will steal and kill,
And grow to love the forcing power.
Threatening your grave to fill,
Let you and other legions cower.
Oft times fear gangs will grow, akin
To armies, bringing battle din.
Locked in clash Man sheds their tears.
Still, dragging forward, upward, more,
Though halts have seen a thousand years
While growing spread on different shore.
Any shore or color skin,
Best guard to grow, and fight to win.
The legacy of guarding's plan
In winning fights though dearly bought;
A newer higher force for Man
Of freedom—such a wonder wrought!
Let sharpest rise of Man begin
With such a goad and prize to win.
Some will, must, ignore the path
By how Man rose to where we are.
The peaceful lash out in their wrath
Inflicting irony's bitterest scar.
And borne along they've always been
When we have had to fight and win.
We'll not be tamed for future's span.
Dispute we must each tyrant's turn.
We'll raise, raise more the state of Man,
And peace and freedom forever yearn.
Good Man is best our kith and kin.
Here's why we fight, and why we'll win.
posted by Stephen at 10:34 AM | Plink