Friday, December 20, 2002
Used to be, the big worry was whether your favorite stars would descend to selling Toyotas or toothpaste. No one seemed to be immune--even John Wayne caved. Bog knows why. And were those tinny Chevettes any better for having been pitched by "Patton"?
It's down to political poison now...but pitched all the same.
When you listen to a STAR
(after Ned Washington, Leigh Harline, and Walt Disney)
When you listen to a STAR
Telling you how bad things are,
Mind, that public face beloved is
Sold to you.
Just because their fame is hot,
Doesn’t mean that they know squat.
‘Neath that face, lie other masks for
Folks like you.
Facts are things
That bring to those who seek,
A respite from the freak
Show we’re enduring.
Like some dolt without a clue,
STARS would tutor all of you.
When ‘ere you listen to a STAR, do
Think it through.
posted by Stephen at 7:08 AM | Plink