Thursday, April 08, 2004
(with a measured cadence, not too fast)
( a ) Prayer of the Press
Let us for ‘Vietnam’ thankful be.
In stories and views we can make, with glee,
Points gloomy, distrustful—and react
As though we were never, in fact, attacked.
Let us for ‘Quagmire’ thankful be.
We can all, without any thought, agree,
Though a vital job be a long hard pull;
Though it show result, it’s impossible.
Let us for ‘Pigeonhole’ thankful be.
Though a child see hazard from ‘A’ and ‘B’
We can grumble and whine; “you’re neglecting A”
Or deny B’s relevance—either way.
Let us for ‘Body Count’ thankful be.
In sound-bite style to measure degree
Of endeavor we feel is wasted force.
We deny this comforts the foe. Of course.
For ‘Diversity’ let us thankful be.
Mal-equivalence coin which passes free;
A Leader condemned if he dare to fight.
A despot now counseling human right.
Let us for ‘Headline’ thankful be.
Above the fold, breathless on TV;
Showing big and black, with a veil of doom
And ads for products you might consume.
And let us for ‘Soldiers’ thankful be.
We quote or ignore them as we see
Each chance to add to a mood of fear.
(Forgetting who warrants our freedom here)
posted by Stephen at 10:37 PM | Plink