Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Dangerous Games
On that morning of elation
When you're leaving on vacation
Do you cultivate temptation
In the robbers on the block?
Does your mail and yard and lighting
Show a target most inviting,
So that on return you're fighting
For your stuff—all now in hock?
Are you short of breath and coughing,
Emphysema in the offing?
Are you knowledgeably scoffing
At a respiratory threat?
Is it clear from fluoroscoping
There is reason to be hoping,
But each morning finds you groping
For that early cigarette?
Do you drive your truck or auto
With imprudence as your motto?
Do you act as though it's lotto;
Is your number fate alone?
Does that right-lane guy look neat-o?
Does she tickle your libido?
While you chomp at a burrito,
In your other hand, the phone.
By a same—more solemn—token
When the terrorists have spoken
Are you timorous and broken,
Knuckling under to a goon?
Be not one who bows—or favors
Courting dangerous behaviors,
For they have in mind a grave, yours!
Thinking when—not if—and soon.
posted by Stephen at 8:48 PM | Plink