Wednesday, February 26, 2003
Unlike most of the rest of the country, it was clear and sunny here yesterday. It seemed everyone was out.
In A Yard
I saw him by a tree he tarried there
About his business, seeming unaware.
I queried what is that you are about.
He fixed an eye then toiled on devout.
For mischief sake I asked of him some whys,
For answers to hard mysteries apprise.
Why are the peaceful people praying hate?
He flicked his brow and let me stand to wait.
Dwelt you an inch from creatures harming way
'Tis clear that you would fly, quick fly away.
May no one else who dwells there beg a halt?
Herewith no answer worth a pinch of salt.
I'm certain now my querying he heard;
Though sentient interaction with a bird
Is not to be expected wild or tame,
Such queries to appeasers yield the same.
posted by Stephen at 6:21 AM | Plink