Tuesday, April 20, 2004
They're at it again!
Via Vodkapundit from Matt Welch
Draft Copy
This note's for Charlie Hagel
And Charlie Rangel too.
We hear you want the draft again;
Your word is, ‘we're too few.’
And ignorance is screaming;
Send politician's sons
And daughters to the battle
There, to face opposing guns.
Enlistment ain't a punishment,
Our units ain't a cell.
We want no men or women here
Who'll turn their face from hell.
We understand and welcome
The sacred charge we hold.
We signed on for this country; whether
Peace or war unfold.
We've been called 'bands of brothers'
We're here to say that's true.
We all train long and hard, and trust
All crave to see it through.
Who's at our side is vital,
Likewise who minds our back.
Our lives are too important
For this motivation's lack.
Imagine for a moment, sirs,
Your re-election's tight.
Would you draft persons off the street
To win your little fight?
So Charlies; not to worry,
'Cause the mission's well in hand.
We'll thank you to reflect on this.
- In Harm's Way We Stand
posted by Stephen at 8:17 PM | Plink