Friday, October 03, 2003
Michele at A Small Victory knows when she’s had enough. Knows how to say so too. Drink warning on her penultimate ‘graph.
Many thanks Michele for the idea.
Negative Charge
So you’re wanting my vote—well, you sent me a note
(Ev’ry post brings a sizeable crop).
It ran seven pages and listed eight rages,
From the mild, to the over-the-top.
"He’s been on the take" "She's a cheap rotten fake"
"Years ago he once groped a young honey."
And the bitterest bane of this crappy campaign?
"Help me hamper this creep, send some money."
You do flail at your foes with a scandalous hose
'Cause they’re dirty, and piggish, and evil.
That’s quite clear enough from the unpleasant stuff
One can read in a Lex-Nex retrieval.
For the pandering Press is a piece of this mess
As they hammer their "realization"
That each rum candidate on the 'enemy' slate
Is a hazard to civilization.
It is more than suspected you fear a rejected
Campaign if your plan is specific.
So you roll out the rant, disrespectable cant,
And your use of reproach is prolific.
A positioning paper, not "Aaack! he's raper,"
Is what we would rather be reading.
As a bold power seeker, at bottom you're weaker
To peddle ad-hominum screeding.
We don't really care if she's got purple hair,
If he cross-dressed, or tweaked Hitler's bum.
Is your foe a puff-adder? It don’t really matter;
From constant bombardment, we’re numb.
So you're wanting my vote? Then bold candidate, note;
If you'd honor the task, get a clue.
Don’t yammer and squeal rather, plainly reveal
What it is that you’re wanting to DO!
posted by Stephen at 3:58 PM | Plink