Thursday, September 11, 2003
You brought both down and measured your true height;
Inflicted weeping’s grueling twisted drone.
Our eyes locked then toward your drained benight,
And ageless lamentation from your own.
Among the ancient faiths a tantrum child;
Your multitudes bent low, as struck with rods.
Submission is your life, progress defiled,
While men you shill for play at tinnish gods.
Such hollow men swell solely in your sight,
For you have strayed, decayed from ancient time.
Here modest striving people make our height,
So measured in a simple fireman’s climb.
We made the steel you stole and swung o’er head
Thou modern engineering acolyth!
Now at our hindrance anywhere you tread,
Your hosts of singing swords a sorry myth.
As slavery serves the slaver, or the pimp,
The burqha and madrassa serve you well.
Young lives you stunt with soul malforming crimp,
For heaven that demands your children’s hell.
You brought both down, to your indecent plane;
Perverted scripture so the scholar delves.
A quarter of the world you cast in stain,
Harram ‘aleikhee—upon Him from yourselves.
Transposing child Shear-jashub named of old;
Your brighter remnant homing to our fold.
The rest—our free hand will its sword retain,
As you and tinnish brothers die in vain.
posted by Stephen at 5:55 AM | Plink