Thursday, March 04, 2004
At first, I thought this post by The Transplanted Texan just had to be from California. But no. It’s from.... Canada.
Via Instapundit
Pass The Word
A poet's life is fraught with risks
Allayed by folks from OSHA,
But spare me writing—lengthy Fisks
—Or verse in Nova Scotia.
A crazy place, by all accounts
No spot for nervous breakdowns;
Where ‘crats use brains in small amounts
To run eccentric shakedowns.
Here’s Kooky Kisely’s PCd grip
On unsuspecting writers;
There’s health (he says) in censorship
Against such mental blighters.
Yea, bards there cannot choose for rhyme
From lists of banned expression,
Like madman, nutcase (there’s a crime)
No fruitcakes? pure repression!
Now moron’s out and so is dolt
Likewise halfwit and spoony.
One 'feebleminded' makes them bolt,
No dopey, dunce, or loony.
I’m missing idiot, dumb, and daft
Screw-loose and funny farmers.
Their use will soon be daily graphed
By Health Department charmers.
The list goes on for half a day
Of psych terms more informal.
It’s wrong to term C-H-M-A
As just a tad subnormal?
Halfwits ! nitwits ! imbeciles !
Is Angus chowderheaded?
No, addlepated (hear the squeals!)
His mind too loosely threaded.
And Nova folk are paid to snitch
Such words in prose or Haiku.
Those gossips get—and here’s the bitch
—Lots more per word than I do !
posted by Stephen at 11:24 PM | Plink