Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Well. Here’s another lawmaker come down with an acute case of the dumbass.
”Who voted for these guys?”
“Not me!”
Orrin Spare That C:/ (with apologies to George Pope Morris)
Orrin, spare that C:/ !
Touch not a single drive.
Each day it works for me,
And I’ll help it survive.
‘Twas our forefathers’ hands
That dear, our freedoms bought.
Now Orrin let them stand,
Your folly touch them not.
When I drive out to stores,
Seek deals both near and far,
For Penney’s missing drawers,
What next? You’ll torch my car?
Sure, idle boys will hack,
And lots will even steal.
Of fixes there’s no lack
And more come on appeal.
You yawp there’s no excuse
For violating law?
But your proposed abuse
Of statutes is most raw.
That old familiar buzz;
Are you Big Business’ tool?
Or is it just because
The Senator’s a fool?
Our heartstrings to law cling
Old Charter! trusted friend.
Would hacking be a sting
When for your friends you bend?
Let’s stick with settled rules,
With precedents to guide.
Lest you be classed with fools
And voters have your hide.
Link via Instapundit
posted by Stephen at 6:25 AM | Plink