Tuesday, May 27, 2003
Over at Gut Rumbles, Acidman pours a little vitriol on them lawyers what [allegedly] closed the waterpark…right when it’s a-gittin’ hot.
“The answer is clear. The insurance company knows that if some idiot kid violates every safety rule posted in the park, does something incredibly stupid and breaks his fool neck, a sharp lawyer can find twelve dipwits with which to staff a jury to find the water-park liable for the dumbass's injuries and award several badzillion dollars in their verdict. It happens all the time.
Update: Whilst I was out of town, He added fool to the fire.
Legally Beagley indignation
Pursuing anomalous manifestation,
Filing of tortious litigation,
Closing summation saponification.
Persuaded are they by exhortation
Demonizing the Corporation.
In Jurious granting huge reparation,
Increasing commercial constipation,
Torting of tools of confrontation
For answering criminal molestation,
And other examples of dilatation,
Anticipate ultimate confiscation.
Gynecological operation
Opened to close for aberration
Forcing an MD abdication,
Menacing fruit of consummation.
Indemnity companies' expectation
Of profit from proper operation
Relegate risk to fragmentation,
Benefiting the population.
Nations beyonding compensation,
Opening business to depredation,
Producing investment hesitation,
Generally harm us all.
posted by Stephen at 1:33 PM | Plink