Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Bacon, Sausage, Tenderloin, Pancetta, Boston Butt, Chops, Baby back ribs, Ham, and Crispy rinds Dept.*
A Natural World
Consider the sweep of the sky's deep azure bowl; The roil of clouds, the stately stars unending. Vast cosmic imagery nurtures the human soul, And effectively pictures demand for government spending.
Consider the physical world with its rules and laws Of gravity, speed, of light and thermodynamic. As nature abhors a vacuum; without pause The multitude sucking for bucks is panoramic.
Consider the lilies abloom in proverbial fields, Sans toil or spin they grace the carpeting grasses. The lowing, feasting herds 'mid beauteous yields Are milked for millions to study prosaic gasses.
Consider the Solon ensconced in edict's hall. He is rhymed with stolen, whether active or retired. In the public clamor for boodle he takes the fall; Is he only delivering that for which he was hired?
Consider our human intelligence and its choice For thoughtful response to calamities unforeseen. Perhaps it is you and I need change our voice To demands for expenditures mightily less porcine.

*Fat tip to Russ Emerson
posted by Stephen at 10:31 AM | Plink