Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Something at Belmont to think about.
Regression Analysis
This our new progressive age
Sees fifty war tools to a page.
Past bow and arrow, knife and spear
Draws further ordnance most severe;
The while, may citizen pale in pall,
Our forces must needs face them all.
Beyond the chattering deadly cough
Of enemy held Kalashnikov,
In market square or train or bus,
Which movers darkly target us?
Which of them sporting too-fat chests,
With Semtex swelling in their vests?
Or driving out among the palms
Will arms fly out at roaded bombs.
A still-life at the berm we see—
Raghead crouched with RPG.
And missing yet but placed somewhere
In bunker, Syria, here or there
Where used and proved by graves in mass;
Disquiet mulls on poison gas.
They’ve sarin, scuds, and bio-bugs;
Such bon-bons in the hands of thugs,
The soldier finds the strength within
To daily face them down, and win.
Ah, but there's a weapon still
To be considered on this bill.
Sun-Tzu told it—hold attack
And use the coward at their back.
To undercut command support,
Confuse the purpose, firmness thwart
And sap the will, shrink back the bold,
As naked scrota iced with cold.
Until your troops are there alone
And every leader cries atone.
Perverted aim is aim to break;
Put soldier's and your life at stake.
What frays our steel, seeks out its stress
And widens every crack?—our Press.
posted by Stephen at 9:42 PM | Plink