Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Did Wretchard say doggerel??
Crouching Iamb - Hidden Writer
While reading in the ‘sphere one night
I saw a link that promised light,
And reaching down to hit the key
I found, to joy, it was to be.
A writer there with good restraint;
A screaming maniac he ain’t,
With decent points and better prose,
He’s blogrolled, ‘cause he’s on his toes.
But, though he’s clear in what he means,
Reflective (and he never preens),
We peer in vain through mystery’s haze
To know just who to pan or praise.
Who is this “Wretchard? what’s the deal,
Will he to we one day reveal
A bio written, fair or draft,
Of just who is behind this craft?
Though rhymes are good and rhythm pat,
We still don’t really know this cat.
Yet I for one will not despair;
We know the writer by the ware.
And so “who Wretchard is” will gel,
Past tales of cat and doggerel.
posted by Stephen at 10:35 AM | Plink